We are here to support parents with everything about remote learning with us. If you can’t find what you are looking for or have any questions, just send us an email at info@hydeglobaleducation.com

How to assist your child at home?

For children aged 5 to 13, Routine is very important as children feel more comfortable with a predictable routine. 

Using digital devices sensibly

Set age-appropriate parental controls on any devices your child is using and supervise their use of websites and apps.

Reducing screen time

Digital devices are not the only way to learn. Manage screen time with a timer and break up screen time by getting your child to:

·use books and other printed materials that their school has provided or that you have at home.
·write by hand – try asking them to complete work by hand, write a diary, a summary of things they have learned or done each day or ‘to do’ lists.
·be active and get away from the screen regularly. 
·stop using digital devices at least an hour before bed.