Year 3-6
The national curriculum in the UK is constructed in five key stages. Key Stage 2 is a phase of primary education for pupils aged 7 to 11 (Years 3 – 6).
Reading comprehension and writing are the two main areas of focus in Key Stage 2 English syllabus. Pupils are expected to compose a piece of writing accurately within a certain time limit when they reach the end of Year 6. They should be able to adapt their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
In Key Stage 2 Mathematics, pupils are expected to demonstrate their ability to solve a wider range of problems, such as increasing complex properties of numbers and arithmetic, multiplication, division with fractions, and problems demanding efficient written methods of calculation. Pupils should read and write mathematical vocabulary correctly.
The principal focus of Science teaching in Key Stage 2 is to enable pupils to develop a good understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas through rational explanation. They should notice and explore the relationships between living things and familiar environments. They are also expected to begin to identify patterns and relate possible cause and effect. Pupils should draw simple conclusions based on their data and observations, using some scientific language to demonstrate their findings.
The 11+ is an examination usually taken by pupils in Year 6 to gain entrance to a senior school of their choice. In general, students will be tested in English, Mathematics, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Although 11+ exams in English and Mathematics tend to follow the national curriculum, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning questions are not school-based subjects.
How can we help you?
Our Key Stage 2 course and 11+ exam course are designed to give students the skills and confidence to succeed in their academic pursuit. These courses are taught by our experienced professional tutors who have an in-depth knowledge of 11+ question types and entrance requirements according to different top-tier independent schools in the UK. They can help to identify the gap between your child’s academic level and the academic standards of your target schools, as well as to design a specific learning plan for your child to develop essential exam technique and content knowledge of 11+ exams. Our pupils can have access to our database of learning materials and past papers from various schools. We have a proven track record of success in assisting students to gain entrance to a 11+ place at some of the most reputable senior schools in England, such as Wycombe Abbey, St Paul’s Girls School, Cheltenham Ladies, Downe House, St Mary’s Calne, and Roedean.